A quickly devised 2-day circuit of the northern hills of the Whinlatter Forest and the southern fells around Coledale.
The outward section, designed to include my one remaining unclimbed Dewey 500m top in the Lake District (Ullister Hill), follows the arc of hills from Lord's Seat to Graystones and descends to the pass at Spout Force and Scawgill Bridge.
The return section ascends to the Coledale fells via the north ridge of Ladyside Pike and Hopegill Head to reach the highest point of Eel Crag, then traverses its east ridge to Causey Pike. The route crosses the valley to Skelgill and follows the Cumbria Way to Keswick.
The main purpose of this trip was to test our research into the use of public transport for long journeys since our decision to go carless. This was my first backpack using entirely public transport, an opportunity to test the Advance Ticket rail booking and seat reservation system and the use of local bus services. It all proceeded extremely well and at very low cost.
That first section off the walk could be summarised as a “challenge”. Have to say I find these conifer plantations a real bight on the landscape. They don’t look good and can be a complete pain to navigate through. Still a great route through some of the less busy (By LD standards) hills in the region
I should have surmised the possible difficulties and checked the FC website first, I didn’t discover that rough schematic map until I returned home. Anyway the rest of the trip was very good, even the Eel Crag ridge largely in solitude with the very early start.